Dublin City Centre Parks Visit

6-8.30pm July 23rd, 2024

Meet at the Civic Offices on Wood Quay

The walking route will include St. Audoen’s Park, The Peace Garden, St. Patrick’s Park, The Cabbage Garden, St. Kevin’s Park, Iveagh Gardens, St. Stephen’s Green, and Merrion Square Park. Visit terminates at Merrion Square Park. Refreshments afterwards at Kennedy's Pub sponsored by O'Brien Landscaping.

Scroll down for a leaflet describing the route, a map and booking form.


Christy’s horticultural education includes the National Botanic Gardens, and University College Dublin. Post graduate studies in Landscape Architecture, Landscape Horticulture and Parks & Recreation Management were pursued at Michigan State University, USA. In 2003, he graduated from Dublin City University with an MBA.

In 1975, he joined Dublin Corporation Parks Department, becoming a Senior Executive Landscape Architect until 1993 when he moved to South Dublin County Council to head the newly formed Parks & Landscape Services Department from where he retired in 2007. At present, he is a lecturer at Technological University Dublin, Blanchardstown and an adjudicator for the National Tidy Towns Competition and Entente Florale Europe. He has written numerous publications and presented papers at national and international conferences. 

His professional activities include being a founder member and first President of the Tree Council of Ireland (1985 – 1990), Fellow and former President of the Irish Landscape Institute, IFPRA World Commissioner for Ireland, Chair, and later Secretary of IFPRA Europe (2006 – 2009). He was a board member of World Urban Parks from 2013 until 2018 and also chaired the World Parks Academy for the same period. In May 2015, Christy was the inaugural winner of the World Urban Parks Distinguished Individual Award.

ILI Walking Tour through Dublin City Parks leaflet

Dr Christy Boylan author of 'The Parks and Gardens of Dublin'

Dublin has a proud history in the development of public parks. This book looks at over 150 varied and intricate parks and gardens, each with its own fascinating story. From the largest, Phoenix Park, to the smallest pocket park around the statue of Anne Devlin in Rathfarnham village.

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