Please find attached a copy of the Plan, it comes in two parts, therefore there are two separate attachments (see below). The draft plan is also up on Kilkenny County Council’s Consultation Portal

In tandem of the public consultation, Fehily Timoney and Company is screening the draft plan under Article 9(6) of the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (S.I. 435/2004), as amended. 

On the Kilkenny County Council’s consult portal, an additional document outlining the process of how the draft plan was developed over the past year is also available to view.

Thank you for your time,

Kind Regards,

Bernadette Moloney

Biodiversity Officer, Kilkenny County Council, Community and Culture Section; Phone: 056-7794487;  Email: [email protected]

Kilkenny Draft Biodiversity Action Plan 24
KK Bio Plan Objectives and Actions
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