IFLA Europe Exhibition 'Re-considering Nature' project
Seishin-En Garden - LKAS Lithuania

We present project submitted by LKAS Lithuania entitled Seishin-En Garden.
The focus of this garden is a natural source of spring-water flowing from the Mountain Park (Kalnu Parkas) side forward to river Neris. Many years it was drained into the river by pipes. The main task was to revive and design a spring-water in a Japanese style garden and to create cozy open space for public. Upper side of the garden has the dry waterfall and small dry flow, which has to remind people about other forgotten natural beauty spaces in the cities. In the lower side of the garden spring water is reborn in a small river’s shape. Visitors of the garden can listen to its water running, to relax and meditate in the garden’s shelter.
Author: Landscape Architect Laura Fukumoto
Photo: Landscape Architect Laura Fukumoto
Project and catalogue of IFLA Europe Exhibition Projects are available on IFLA Europe website