IFLA Europe Exhibition 'Re-considering Nature' project
City Water Circle - Open 011 - AIAPP Italy

We present project submitted by AIAPP Italy entitled “City Water Circle - Open 011”.
“Rainwater recovery rooftop garden and aeroponic greenhouse in Turin”
The pilot aims at demonstrating rainwater retention and attenuation by applying different nature-based solutions (NBSs) to deal with rainwater in an urban context. In addition, it will further develop a rooftop farming strategy as a solution for the resilient city of tomorrow. The pilot will help Turin and other public authorities define innovative “Green and blue infrastructure strategies” to feed the future “Local Environmental Adaptation Plan” of the city of Turin.
The pilot follows a multipurpose design using different NBS measures which will eventually lead to improvement of the microclimate, urban restoration, amenity enhancement and biodiversity conservation, harvesting water from the roof, using them for the terrace, the greenhouse and the rain garden so that no drops will go to old sewer system.
The expected impacts of the adopted measures include climate change adaptation and flood mitigation, increased retention in urban areas, improved urban air quality and microclimate, promote awareness to NBS measures and their manifold benefits and improve governance and citizens’ participation.
A former concrete terrace becomes a flowering garden, with different colours in every season, with plants everybody can see, feel, smell and taste, both humans and bees!
Authors: Alessandra Aires, Landscape Architect (with students Luca Alfarano and Mattia Mascagna) - Laura Ribotta, Project Manager
Photo Credit: Alessandra Aires
Project and catalogue of IFLA Europe Exhibition Projects are available on IFLA Europe website