Applications will take place on Submittable, in keeping with Arts Office practice, the first applications round will be as easy as possible on the applicant. The criteria on which the first Round of Applications will be assessed are.

  1. The Quality of the proposal and how it combines the elements of Community Development and the Arts. (40%)
  2. The track record of the applicant(s) and their experience. (30%)
  3. The feasibility of the proposal including its financial feasibility. (20%) 

There will be Zoom Question and Answer sessions with the Arts Office on June 25th at 11 am and June 26th at 4pm where the Arts Office Team will talk through the form and the questions asked and explain more about the scheme. Please register by choosing a session. 

The application form will go live on Submittable on Monday 29th July.  The deadline for the scheme is 12 noon on Friday the 6th of September. 

For more information and to register go to:

Dublin City Council Community Development Grant 2024

Organised by Dublin City Arts Office

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