Certificate in Social Economy Enterprise Development (10 ECTS) at TU Dublin

What are the key concepts, theories and practical aspects of social economy enterprise development?  What are the key challenges facing this sector? 

This part-time, 10-credit micro-credential module, delivered by the School of Architecture, Building and Environment (SABE) at TU Dublin, will consider the origin and evolution of social economy enterprise development and will provide an analysis of its development.  The module examines how to progress a social economy enterprise concept from idea stage to trading stage, consolidation, and possible diversification. 

The module will also examine practices and deliberations for social economy enterprises development and consider the role of effective leadership, community-ownership and control, community engagement and accountability, governance, alliance building, procurement, and appropriate finance. The module balances theory and practice and provide students with an understanding of the skills required to develop and sustain vibrant social economy enterprises.

Module delivery will encompass lectures, workshops, tutorials and classroom discussion, presentations of academic literature, and interspersed with case studies to reinforce key themes.  The module is delivered on Wednesday afternoons with some online and some day-long seminars also included. 

Teaching commences in October 2025 and will be located in both TU Dublin Bolton Street and the Grangegorman campus.  The closing date for applications is 4th July 2025.

Information on how to apply is available at:https://www.tudublin.ie/study/professional-development/architecture/

For further information, please contact: Module Co-ordinator, Dr Gerard Doyle, at [email protected]

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