What is biodiversity and why is there a crisis? How should we approach nature conservation, and what steps are necessary to halt biodiversity loss and degradation of natural habitats?

This part-time professional certificate module sets out the basis for understanding and addressing biodiversity loss. It presents the rationale for conserving natural habitats: their ecological complexity, historical continuity, and biogeographical significance. Key habitat types in Ireland are examined; the reasons for habitat loss and degradation are discussed; and our role in managing habitats for the continued survival of indigenous flora and fauna is explored.

The module is suitable for those from a non-scientific background, including (but not limited to) those involved in planning and design of the built environment. Entrance to the course is normally contingent on an appropriate honours (minimum 2.2 grade) degree.

The module is supported by the Building Change project, led by School of Architecture, Building and Environment (SABE), TU Dublin. An 80% fee subsidy is offered by the Higher Education Authority for eligible applicants, which reduces the overall cost from €480 to €96 during 2024-25.

  • The module will run over four consecutive days, in person in TU Dublin Bolton St, beginning Monday 9th June 2025.

For further information, please contact: Module Co-ordinator, Dr Melinda Lyons ([email protected]), Lecturer and Programme Chairperson, BSc (Hons) in Environmental Management at TU Dublin

The closing date for applications, subject to availability, is Friday 25 April 2025.

Information on how to apply is available at: https://www.tudublin.ie/study/professional-development/architecture/

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